Design, Manufacturing and Support

Copyright 2023 Simplex Scientific LLC

Laboratory Sampling Solutions

Custom Analyzers

Custom  Products


Simplex has designed a number of custom analyzer systems based on a variety of spectrometers. These custom products allow equipment designed for laboratory to be used in industrial situations. Our designs can improve the ruggedness, and ease of use by adding dedicated hardware and software optimized for a particular analysis. 

Embedded control and Interface designs
   Windows (All versions, 32 and 64 bit)

Custom Designs and Manufacturing
Simplex will modify and offer virtually any of our standard products as private label OEM products.

Custom  Software

Custom Industrial Panels

See our extensive list of Special designs we have done.

Atom Probe Sample Preperation

Systems to help in preparing samples for Atom Probe Analysis


Simplex designs and manufactures Industrial electrical control panels

Simplex has designs for several useful pieces of lab and office fixtures which can be customized.
